This review summarizes some of the most significant advances in asthma research over the past year. We first focus on novel discoveries in the mechanism of asthma development and exacerbation. This is followed by a discussion of potential new biomarkers, including the use of radiographic markers of disease. Several new biologics have become available to the clinician in the past year, and we summarize these advances and how they can influence the clinical delivery of asthma care. After this, important findings in the genetics of asthma and heterogeneity in phenotypes of the disease are explored, as is the role the environment plays in shaping the development and exacerbation of asthma. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of advances in health literacy and how they will affect asthma care.
A & T Respiratory Lectures has developed a series of easily accessible and affordable educational courses focused on various topics in asthma care. The course content is designed and presented by experts in the field.
Advances and Recent Developments in Asthma Part 1:
This course is approved for 5.5 AARC CEU's. You must complete the 5 modules to get your certificate. You will have a 15 question comprehensive post test at the end. You must acheive a passing score of 70%. You can retake the test as many time as you want. Remember, each course has a PDF download and questions are based on the the content in the PDF.
Course Objectives
Achieve and maintain control of asthma symptoms
Maintain normal activity levels, including exercise
Maintain pulmonary function as close to normal as possible
Prevent asthma exacerbations
Avoid adverse effects from asthma medications
Prevent asthma mortality
Title of Courses: